Wednesday, October 3, 2012

'Batman: The Dark Knight Rises' Can be Played in iOS and Android

 Figure 1. Batman: The Dark Knight Rises 2012 Game

'Batman: The Dark Knight Rises 2012'. - As we know from several media, that 'Batman: The Dark Knight Rises Movie' has been launching in several cinema in United State. And also we know that any accident when 'Batman: The Dark Knight Movie' was be played in Denver City, Colorado, United State. 

From reported that 'Batman: The Dark Knight Rises Accident 2012' happen when Premiere of The Dark Knight Rises in the City of Denver, Colorado, United States, Friday (20/7), characterized the action of a shooting rampage by a young man. Police Commissioner of New York said a man wearing a mask and paint it red hair himself as "Joker", Batman enemy.

Perpetrator identified only as James Eagan Holmes, a student of Department of Neuroscience at the University of Colorado, Denver.

In its action, Holmes threw tear gas into the first studio theater that is playing the movie The Dark Knight Rises. He then opened fire indiscriminately at the audience to panic and jump out of the cinema.

Yes, it is only little information about 'Batman: The Dark Knight Rises Accident 2012'

Not only in Movie, Fever 'Batman: The Dark Knight Rises' also hit the IOS and Android mobile devices in the form of the game. Taking the same title with the movie, feel the sensation of a hero of Gotham City.

Not like 'Batman Arkham City' made by Warner Bros., for the working game Batman: Dark Knight Rises by Gameloft. Sure the graphics are created as cool as the movie.

According detikinet (07/20/2012) reported that in 'Batman: The Dark Knight Rises' game, players invited to play as the Dark Knight of Gotham City in maintaining the peace of terror Bane.

Not only is the action matches, players are also invited to solve the mystery, including swinging from building to building skyscrapers. Plus the dark atmosphere of tense nan like in Batman movie.
player also can play Batman vehicles such as the Bat-Pod.

So, you can play 'Batman: The Dark Knight Rises' game in your iOS and Android, and you also can watch the Dark Night Rises movie in several cinema in your city.   

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