Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Tips How to Sharpen Images Using Filter High Pass

 Figure 1. Sharpen Image Using Filter High Pass

'Photoshop Tutorial 2012'. - There are many tutorial when we work in Photoshop. One tutorial is how to sharpen our photo using filter high pass. In addition to the Unsharp Mask filter in Photoshop there are also other ways to sharpen images, one of which is the High Pass. 

According detikinet (07/19/2012), there are 5 steps how to sharpen images using filter high pass. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Open a File

Open a file that will be sharpened. It should be understood that the photo editor Photoshop and other programs only sharpens (read: maximize sharpness) images of the 'less sharp', not the photo was not sharp.

Step 2: Duplicate Layer

Duplication layer by accessing the menu Layer> Duplicate Layer. When the confirmation box appears Duplicate Layer, click OK to approve it.

Step 3: Change the Blending Mode

Access Layer menu> Layer Style. When the Layer Style dialog box appears, click the Blend Mode, and change Normal to Overlay. Click OK to terminate these steps.

Step 4: Run the High Pass Filter

Access to Filter> Other> High Pass. When the High Pass dialog box appears, drag the Radius slider and watched the increase in sharpness, when it is in accordance with the desired, click OK to terminate these steps.

Step 5: Finish

Before storing these files, layer by accessing the menu solid Layer> Flatten Image. Well, now you can save it again.

so, you can try steps above to make you image more sharpen than before. good luck

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